I have not had much time this week to keep an eye on what is happening via the Internet, having only come back off holiday last week. So this newsletter may be quite short.
If you have not seen it, if you have a FMP subscription, you can now upgrade to a premium subscription for £19.99 which includes viewing the 1921 census for free. At last I found my father-in-law, who was in the army (surname spelt differently).
I know that there have been many discussions about the standard of transcriptions in the census, but I am transcribing some hand-written transcriptions of Methodist baptisms which I find difficult: ‘a’ looks like e, ‘e’ looks like o, a squiggle could be a ‘y’,’s’ or anything else. So I do have some sympathy with census transcribers especially as they had to do the work in a short amount of time and were not looking at the whole thing, just sections. At least I can look at other records to find the correct names, etc. but I would also add, and I don’t know about now, we were told that we should transcribe exactly what is in the original document, spellings, and all.
Don’t forget as well to look at electoral registers, especially for males. Women didn’t get universal votes until 1928. See https://www.parliament.uk/about/livingheritage/transformingsociety/electionsvoting/womenvote/overview/thevote/
A reminder as well, not all parish records are on the Internet. Some registers may be too fragile to film, water damaged, etc. If you cannot find what you are looking for look at our Tracing your ancestors in Warwickshire and Tracing your ancestors in Worcestershire, both on our website under Resources. There is also information about the parishes and churches in Birmingham under Tracing your ancestors in Birmingham. These contain all relevant information about parishes, adjoining parishes and where the records are held. If you then go to our online shop page, you may find the records are available as downloads.
The Balsall Heath Local History Society have several books available suitable as Christmas presents. For further details go to their website, www.balsallheathhistory.co.uk
If your ancestors came from the Wolverhampton area, the Friends of Wolverhampton Archives have a Facebook page,
KENILWORTH –Wednesday, 9 November 7.30 – 9pm via Zoom – Family History & the Media – behind the scenes of WDYTYA?
Dr Nick Barratt, is an author, broadcaster and family historian. He is also the President of the Family History Federation and is well known on the Family history circuit for his interesting talks.
BIRMINGHAM – 12 November at 2pm – 4pm – In memoriam – Records of Commemoration given by Doreen Hopwood NB: Note change of date*.
Doreen is well known to many members of Midland Ancestors having been the genealogist at the Birmingham Central Library for over 20 years. She has been carrying out family history research since the 1970s
*This will be a week later than normal as there is a proposed rail strike on the 5th.
For further details go to
NORTH STAFFS – Monday, 7 November at 7.30pm – My 20 Favourite Staffordshire Places given by David Wilkinson
BROMSGROVE – 8 November at 7.30pm – The Gun Powder Plot by Philip Bowen
A fresh look at the Gunpower Plot, reminding us that it was very much a Midland Rising.
STOURBRIDGE –Tue 15 November @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm – The Bostin Tay Party
Members are asked to bring along their memories and photographs of past family parties or celebrations and do a short presentation.
Please bring along a small plate of party food to share. Tea coffee, mulled wine provided.
WOLVERHAMPTON – Wed 30 November @ 2:00 – 4:30pm – Pre Christmas social gathering
Join us for our pre-Christmas social gathering. Nearer the event we will announce our plans for the afternoon, but it may be a quiz, members sharing their research, a Christmas themed talk but, whatever is arranged, will involve the start of the Christmas season for the Wolverhampton group and, of course, refreshments.
Doors open at 1.45 p.m. for a 2.00 p.m. start
The society has now been able to set dates for outings next year to the National Archives as they are again taking group visits.
Seat prices are £26.00 Scheduled dates, always on Saturdays are:
18th March 20th May 9th Sept 14th October
Full details can also be seen on the Midland Ancestors website.
For Trip Rules, pickup points and times etc. go to the Events menu drop down, then Coach Trips & Outings www.midland-ancestors.uk
Familiarisation sessions are also being held at the BMI, dates for which, Saturdays, are:
15th Feb 25th Jul
Further details are contained in the December Midland Ancestor.
Brickyard Engines that drove Clay Mills in the Early 19th Century’ by Elizabeth Thomson
November 2 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
A talk from the Newcomen Society at the ThinkTank. (free event)
‘Invention & Design; Elkington of Birmingham’
by Dr. Jonathan Berg
December 7 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Dr. Jonathan Berg discusses the invention of electroplating and its commercialisation in Birmingham’s Jewellery Quarter
A talk from the Newcomen Society at the ThinkTank. (free event) https://www.newcomen.com/activity/invention
Friday 11 November 6:00pm – 10:00pm GMT and Saturday 12 November – 10:00am – 6:00pm GMT –
Really Useful online Family History Show
Organised by the Family History Federation
Full details can be found on www.fhf–reallyuseful.com
SoG: A 6-week course starts on 5th November on researching 17th century ancestors. Delivered by industry experts, Else Churchill, Andrew, Professor of Local and Society hIstory at University of Oxford and Ian Mortimer, author of the Time Traveller’s guide books. Course consists of case studies, document workshops and Lectures on England in the 17th century.
SoG: Saturday 19 November, 2pm – Family History research in Belgium A one-hour lecture with Marie Cappart, cost £10.00/£6.50 SoG members.
SoG: Thursday 24 November, 2pm – Intellectual disability in England, 1750 – 1900
A one-hour lecture with Dr. Simon Jarrett, cost £10.00/£6.50 SoG members
For further details on all courses at the SoG go to their website www.SoG.org.uk
The Balsall Heath Local History Society have several books available suitable as
Christmas presents. For further details go to their website, www.balsallheathhistory.co.uk
North Staffs Group
Rob Carter of our North Staffs Group has asked for help photographing headstones and internal monuments of churches in the North Staffs area. This has been an ongoing project of Rob’s for many years, but it is not something he can do on his own. If you can help, Rob can be contacted on Robcarter@hotmail.com.
Save the Date – Sunday 14 May 2023:
The Society celebrates its 60th anniversary next year and a luncheon has been planned, to be held at the Tally Ho Conference Centre, Edgbaston. The cost will be between £25-£30 per person. This is just a forward notice at the moment, but it would help me if I could get some sort of feel on how many people are likely to attend. So could I ask you please to let me know if you would attend or not.
Finally, I may not get a chance to send out a newsletter at the end of November as my husband and I are flying to Paris to meet our two granddaughters coming over from Australia for Christmas. (I feel this is going to be expensive!).
December could also be a problem as my daughter and grandson are also flying in for Christmas and the calendar is already pretty packed, so if you don’t hear from me, hope you all have a wonderful Christmas.