Guidance for Submitting an Article For Inclusion in The Midland Ancestor Journal
Consider subjects of interest to The Midland Ancestor reader.
Specifically the historic counties of Staffordshire, Warwickshire and Worcestershire, but can be for further afield.
Other relevant, family history, genealogical, heraldic or historical topics can be considered, at the editor’s discretion.
Consider whether your article fits with one of the regular features, such as Dear Editor, Old Sayings, Book Reviews etc.
Have you any new suggestions for regular features?
It’s great to receive articles, from the smallest to largest of sizes.
There are on average 400-500 words per page, depending on layout.
An average article can be anywhere between 1 and 6 pages.
If articles are larger in size, it’s possible to split them over several editions of the journal, please ask for guidance.
Illustrations and Content
Consider that the printed journal is only small (A5) and not suited to larger, detailed illustrations or charts.
You must own copyright of written content and any illustrations used, if in doubt, they will not be used.
If you can supply a photo for a future front cover of the journal, it needs to meet the following criteria:
– Digital photo, portrait NOT landscape orientation
– Preferably of local interest to TMA readers
– Not a cropped or enhanced version of the original
– Minimum digital size of 3072 x 4080 pixels
Style and Format
The font style or size of text is standardized by the editor.
Please DO NOT use capitals for names in your text.
Microsoft Word documents are preferred.
Paper copies are welcome by post, but if chosen to be published, please note it takes extra time to transcribe them, which could delay inclusion.
For acknowledgement of receipt of any letter, please enclose an SAE.
Caveat –
It cannot be guaranteed that an article will be published and is done so at the editor’s discretion.
Our journal editor is Linda Newey, she can be contacted here –