What’s On at Midland Ancestors –
- This event has passed.
Outing to The National Archives
Sat 12th May 2018
Outing to The National Archives
The National Archives is the final resting place of all files and documents produced by the various departments of H.M. Government and its predecessors. Your Ancestors could well be in there somewhere, if you haven’t found him or her then perhaps you are not using the search engine to best advantage. For those needing some help with the TNA Discovery search engine this Intro Session might be of use.
This outing will include a presentation by Sharon Hintze of the Familysearch team-
English Burial and Cemetery Records at London Family History Centre
in the Talks Room at 11:30 am, no extra charge.
This date changed from 19th as I have received an unexpected Wedding Invitation.
Trips Booking Forms can be found in the Society journal or had by email from the organiser in pdf format. Get in touch with Phil the organiser on the address shown below.
Trips information, other dates and Rules can be seen here