Family History Societies from Overseas have given us access to the journals that they produce for their own members. This is a very useful source of information for those of us who have relatives and ancestors overseas.
To read any of the journals available, click to open the covers next to the Society in which you are interested and explore those journals that are on offer. It is not intended to make these available to download, so please enjoy their content on-screen. There are some interesting articles.
(Best viewed on a large PC/Desktop screen)
Bega Valley, NSW
Bega Valley Oct’24
Bega Valley Jun’24
Bega Valley Feb’24
Bega Valley Oct’23
Bega Valley Jun’23
Bega Valley Feb’23
Cedar Log, NSW
Cedar Log Dec’24
Cedar Log Sep’24
Cedar Log Jun’24
Cedar Log Mar’24
Cedar Log Dec’23
Cedar Log Sep’23
Cedar Log Jun’23
Cedar Log Dec’22
Society of Australian Genealogists
Descent Sep’24
Descent Jun’24
Descent Mar’24
Descent Dec’23
Descent Jun’23
Queensland Nov24
Queensland Aug24
Queensland May24
Queensland Feb’24
Queensland Nov’23
Ipswich, Queensland
Ipswich Jul’24
Ipswich Feb’24
Ipswich Nov’23
Ipswich Feb’23
Western Australia
Western Ancestor Nov’24
Western Ancestor Jul’24
Western Ancestor Mar’24
Western Ancestor Nov’23
Western Ancestor Jul’23
British Columbia
BC Genealogist Dec’24
BC Genealogist Sep’24
BC Genealogist Jun’24
BC Genealogist Dec’23
BC Genealogist Sep’23
BC Genealogist Jun’23
Newfoundland & Labrador
Newfoundland Sep’24
Newfoundland Jun’24
Newfoundland Mar’24
Newfoundland Dec’23
Newfoundland Sep’23
Newfoundland Jun’23
Newfoundland Mar’23
Quesnel Branch
Cariboo Winter ’24
Cariboo Summer’24
Cariboo Spring’24
Cariboo Winter’23
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