What’s On at Midland Ancestors –

Kenilworth: The Cottage by the Well
Wed 12th February @ 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm GMT
Via Zoom
Speaker – Mary Bodfish
Mary says “The world of the past has fascinated me from my earliest memories; and exploring it continues to absorb me in retirement. My working life was spent firstly in bookselling and then in university administration, but days off frequently found me rummaging happily in record offices and libraries. I began working over 50 years ago on the question of “How come I was landed with the name Bodfish?”
Mary was a founder member of Smethwick Local History Society, and is currently chairman. She has taught local history research and palaeography for theUniversity of Birmingham’s School of Continuing Studies.
Thetalk …
Between 1817 and 1865 the Cottage by the Well at Tadmarton was home to Mary’s 3xg-grandmother, her daughter and her grand daughter. The first two made the same mistake in life – not so the third! This is the story of how Mary discovered their trials, tribulations and eventually triumphant survival in a world that was often hard and unforgiving.
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