What’s On at Midland Ancestors –
Birmingham: Whose Ancestor is it Anyway? – Ethics in Family History”
Sat 4th October @ 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm BST
FreeWhose Ancestor is it Anyway? – Ethics in Family History”
Presenters – Margaret Roberts and Ann Simcock
“I am only researching my family tree, where does ethics come into it?”
As Family Historians we can be frequently faced with the questions – What information do I share? How do I share information? Should I share information?
Margaret Roberts is an academic author, experienced researcher, speaker, and genealogist who specialises in Sports history. She has numerous publications focussing on women in sport from Victorian swimming onwards. Margaret has presented diverse academic conferences and has given over 60 invited talks, both on line and in person to public groups. She is editor of Britain’s only on line Sport and leisure History magazine Playing Pasts, Chair of the FHS of Cheshire, Trustee and Liaison Officer at the Family History Federation, Trustee of Devon FHS, Independent Researcher representative and Trustee of the British Society of Sports history and a member of the Few Forgotten Women team.
Ann Simcock is a former history and drama teacher who has been researching her family for over 30 years. Since teaching her son at home, prior to his going to Chetham’s Music School, she has taken classes and given presentations, in person and on Zoom, in family history, local history and drama for groups such as the WI, U3A , Family History Societies and others. Along with Margaret she is a member of Janet Few’s Few Forgotten Women Team who carry out research into women who would otherwise have been left in the shadows of history.
Margaret and Ann will use this interactive session to discuss various scenarios you may encounter on your family history journey.